There are two types of permanent License keys for HANA system − During this period, you have to install a permanent License key again. When a permanent License key expires, a temporary license key is issued, which is valid for only 28 days. They can be installed from SAP Marketplace under Keys and Requests tab. License keys specify the amount of memory licensed to target HANA installation. Permanent License keys are valid only till the predefined expiration date. These keys are valid only for 90 days and you should request permanent license keys from SAP marketplace before the expiry of 90 days period after installation. Temporary License keys are automatically installed when you install the HANA database.
SAP HANA system supports two types of License keys − Temporary License Key You can install or delete HANA License keys using HANA studio. SAP HANA License management and keys are required to use HANA database.